SWDPR : Proposed new settlement at THROCKMORTON AIRFIELD

The South Worcestershire Development Plan has identified THROCKMORTON AIRFIELD as one of three sites for major residential development.  The outline plan for the airfield and surrounding area is for a NEW TOWN of initially around 2,000 homes rising to around 6,000 homes.

Such a development will have an enormous impact upon the whole of the surrounding area, not only on the infrastructure but also on the character of the area.

The plans contain only very limited information at this stage but the Planners have undertaken a very short public consultation period which closed on the 16th December 2019.   We believe that without large scale and continuing public opposition being shown this will be used to suggest that the site will be acceptable. 

The SWDPR proposals and the proposed new town development centred on Throckmorton Airfield, has been impacted by the coronavirus pandemic.  We are advised that the impact is expected to be a 12 month delay to the schedule for the plans going before  the planning inspectorate.  
The parish council and district councillors are monitoring changes to the schedule and the possible need to resubmit objections to ensure they are presented to the Planning Inspectorate.

Both parish and district councillors are also engaged on a forum to review updates and changes to the plans as they evolve - though Wychavon and the SWDPR have insisted that information provided to this forum is treated as confidential.   Concerned residents may enquire of Wychavon why this is felt to be necessary.

Copy of the report included in our objection
CONSULTANT REPORT - Copy of the report commissioned by Bishampton and Throckmorton, Hill and Moor and Pinvin Parish Councils to accompany the official objection submissions - Read here 

One local resident with expertise in planning also forwarded his response and objection for inclusion here.  Read here 
What can I do?

The Parish Council have produced and distributed a "flier" to inform residents of the consultation.  If you haven't seen a copy click here to download .  We are also working closely with other local parish councils to help inform all our communities. 

Consultation Events
The consultation events took place between the 11th and 28th November at a range of venues across the county including Throckmorton.  Following widespread publicity by local Parish Councils (they had not been greatly publicised otherwise), many were well attended causing many difficult questions to be raised with the planning teams.  

We hope that this will prompt more attention on the scale and impact of these huge "New Town" development plans. 
Several people with significant planning expertise have observed that:-
" The inevitable erosion of demarcations between our rural villages, effectively amounts to
      the creation of "Greater Pershore" or Throckshore", a large urban township." 

There is also significant concern that this is being done with a significantly reduced opportunity for the public to understand and comment on the impact of these proposals.

Further documents will be available at the events and we are trying to provide electronic copies on site, however details are very limited beyond the indicated boundaries.  This makes commenting on usual planning issues difficult, however it is felt that this makes comments objections and concern on the huge impact of so large a development not only relevant, but vital.  

The Planning team have produced a summary document on the proposals.  This can be accessed and downloaded on the following link
[Link Expired]

Development area Maps

This plan is the one from the issued SWDP document which shows the area and target centre with no suggestion of whereabouts most of the development is likely to be focused.
Growth Area Plan

The Plan below shows the possible development areas in more detail, based on land within the circles identified in the "Call for Sites" exercise in 2018.
This map is not available on the SWDP website, but was on display at the recent consultation events and is being supplied to the public on request.
As is apparent, Throckmorton is engulfed by the potential development areas, which also extend to border Bishampton.

Call for Sites Plan

Taking Action

Why should I comment?

We should stress that we do not know what further opportunities there will be to influence the planners.
The Parish Council are working on a formal response with professional support and alongside other councils at Wyre Piddle, Pinvin and Hill &  Moor, BUT ....

We firmly believe that a powerful demonstration of public concern will convey the strongest message to the planners and is our best opportunity to have the suitability of the site reconsidered. 

The Deadline for comments through the SWDP  "Public Consultation" process has now passed.  If you submit comments now, the planners may take them into account though they are not obliged to do so.

You may have been able to attend one of the recent information sessions which we publicised. 
The SWDP team have also created a website with information about the outline plans although detail is very limited at this stage.
Visit  [Link expired]

You can also get further information by contacting the SWDP Team via the planning phone number  01386 565565 and asking for them.
They have also produced a summery document concerning the options, which we have made available on the following link:-
[Link expired]

Have your say!  How do I comment?
Comments may be either objections or comments in support of the proposals but for clarity should be headed:

"I wish to object / support the planned development at Throckmorton Airfield, SWDPR 50".  
You should also include your name and address.

There are also be further instructions depending on where you submit your comments.
  • You can comment online at the main website shown  [Link expired] Eventually this takes you to the consultation and "consultation portal".   
    They require you to register to use this method - the process takes around 6-8 minutes (you should register as a consultee).
  • You can also submit your comments by post either by completing a (rather intimidating) paper response form, or by letter to:-
    South Worcestershire Development Plan Team, Civic Centre, Queen Elizabeth Drive, Pershore, Worcestershire, WR10 2NN 
  • Comments can also be e-mailed to  contact@swdevelopmentplan.org, Remember to make it clear you are referring to Throckmorton Airfield (SWDPR 50) and include your name and address.
    An e-mail which is far simpler but does not provide any sure way to count numbers responding.  For this reason we would be delighted if you copy us on your e-mail (icommented@BatPC.org.uk) or drop us an e-mail to say that you have responded.  (copying us DOES NOT replace your e-mail to the planners, but just allows us to monitor numbers responding this way) 

Normally, we would advocate keeping comments strictly to planning details, however there is currently so little detail that comments can realistically only address the broad impact of this scale of development on our rural area and quality of life.

It may help to consider:-
  • Unsuitability of land adjacent to landfill, former mass burial site of Foot & Mouth livestock, historic airfield with all potential contamination issues
  • Saturation of transport corridors to areas of employment (congestion of key routes e.g. to Worcester, Redditch, Birmingham, Warwick, Cheltenham etc. and Motorways), from a community of 2000- 6000 homes)
  • Impact on services and infrastructure e.g. schools, medical, hospitals, support services 
  • Impact on the character of the area
  • Impact on amenity and Quality of Life 
  • Impact on the environment
  • Impact on heritage
  • Destruction of natural habitats and wildlife corridors
  • Urbanisation and removal of boundaries between distinct villages and hamlets
  • Impact on tourism Bishampton and the Blossom Trail
  • Impact on local farming and rural businesse
  • Distance to clubs and social amenities for young people (Worcester/ Redditch/ Birmingham) 
  • Sustained disruption throughout long term construction
  • Light pollution (many local villages are "dark villages" without street lighting. 
    .........  and I am sure many more which you can envision.
You may also consider commenting:-
  • on the impossibility of making detailed responses to a consultation based on such vague proposals.
  • on the complexity of the commenting process (registration needed), difficulty of finding information and portal
  • on why the airfield has been selected as a potential site when it is distant from any significant employment centres meaning inevitable long commutes
  • on why there is only clear reference to 2000 homes at the consultation event when the development is known to extend to 6000 in the second wave
  • on why this is claimed to be a largely "Brown Field" development when "Call for site" plans (and issues such as the landfill area and burial site)  mean that most of the impact will fall on existing "Green Field" land.
  • on the trigger levels for the claimed infrastructure items (3 schools, Dr & Dental Surgeries, retail centre etc., not being reached until AFTER the 2000 home phase) placing MASSIVE strain on existing services for up to 10 years
  • The unrealistic claims about the adequacy of a (currently single track) rail service to ensure people will not commute by car
  • The huge impact of in excess of 12,500 additional commuting vehicles on all major commuter routes.    

And also .....
One local resident has made the following observation based on data available on the internet, which you may find particularly pertinent given the recent disruption to access caused by flooding:-
"The recommended footprint of a modern house is 48 square metres. Worcesters annual rainfall is 961mm. 2,000 homes will produce 20,292,000 gallons of run off. That is before any roads, patios, drives or grey water In an area prone to flooding and with more extreme weather activity predicted in the future, it may be an idea to ask how this water will be dealt with?" 
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