Planning applications - Taking Action.

Once Wychavon Planning have received  planning application they will record the details on their Planning Portal and open a period of public consultation.  They should also contact people with neighbouring properties by post and in many cases place planning notices near the site concerned (often on telegraph poles etc.)

During the consultation period anyone is able to submit their comments for consideration by the planning officers.  Comments will also be published on the Planning Portal.  This is often the only opportunity you will have to influence the decision on the application.

The parish council also have the opportunity to comment though contrary to many people's expectation, the council has no great influence over the outcome, the strongest influence tends to be the number of public comments and material planning concerns raised.

 If there is a large volume of concern raised the application may be referred to the Planning Committee who have the power to overturn the recommendation of the planning officer, or have special terms or conditions imposed.  If a case is referred to committee there is a right for members of the public to present their case to the committee. 

Commenting on an application

Should you do wish to comment (object or support) a planning application, we hope that the guidance provided below will help you through the process and assist you in making an effective comment.


If you wish to comment/ object to the planning application you can use this link to take you straight to the Wychavon Planning site.

Please first take a look at the details of the application you will find it either through the application reference or by doing a search for the location.  The Documents section holds all the relevant forms, plans and statements by bodies like highways, archaeology, water etc., if they have any concerns.  You will also find details of other comments here (n.b. it can take a couple of days for them to appear).

It is worth investing some time in this as the better you understand the application, the more specific and impactful your comments are likely to be.


There are rules surrounding what constitutes a “material objection” which are the things the Planning Department can take into account, so to be effective any objections should address these.
For example - "reduced value of your property" is not a material objection - however the things which bring this about e.g. loss of privacy, overlooking, loss of amenity, noise, disturbance may be.  Similarly "loss of a nice view" is not a consideration whilst loss of light, impacts on natural habitat, increased flood risk are material considerations.


The Campaign to Protect Rural England have produced an excellent 8 step  guide on Responding to applications.

The main message is to make your objections clear, concise, factual and objective rather than emotional. If you can provide evidence or references to regulations and planning policy this is also extremely valuable. 

The Wychavon Planning site itself provides lots of information about planning regulations - and it may help to look at what factors have influenced previous decisions where applications have been declined.

Comments in your own words voicing your  own concerns are likely to the have the biggest impact.

Any comment should quote the application reference and address  and ideally shjould be addressed to the named case officer.

In all cases you should also include your name and address.

1) You can object or comment in writing or on line.
The address to write to is:-

Planning Services Wychavon District Council, Civic Centre, Queen Elizabeth Drive, Pershore, Worcs. WR10 1PT


2) Electronically, you can simply e-mail your comment or objection to the planning department quoting the application reference and making your comments either as text or by attaching an electronic document.

3) There is an online form available on the website -  this only has plain text but it does work.

After the consultation period the planning officer will review all the information and reach a recommendation.  If the officer's recommendation is to approve and there are few objections - it is likely this will simply be accepted and passed.
Once passed there is very little chance of the decision being overturned.

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